Tauke ni kata masa dia kecik2 dulu, bapaknya dulu memang jual ubat gigi ini di kedai ni. Dia pun tak perasan ada lagi ubat gigi lama2 mcm ni dalam almari kaca lama dia ni. Sebab skang dia malas nak berniaga sangat di atas sebab faktor usia, sewa kedai mahal dan pelanggan pun kurang. Tak ambik port dah nak kemas2 barang, kedai pun bukak ikut suka jer..
Condition kotak masih baik dan pada sisi pelipat penutup kotak ini terdapat 'short advertisement' produk baru Gibbs yg tertera ayat " Gibbs new one-lather shampoo for lovelier hair " dan gambar botol shampoo tersebut.
Ada sedikit info dan rujukan yg di petik dari website pasal Gibbs S.R Toothpaste :
The first commercial shown on TV in Britain was for Gibbs S R Toothpaste and was transmitted at 8.12 pm on Sept 22 1955 during a variety show hosted by Jack Jackson.
Viewers saw a tube of toothpaste embedded in a block of ice and a woman called Meg Smith brushing her teeth in the approved manner, "up and down and round the gums". The immaculate tones of Alex Macintosh delivered the newly-minted slogan: "It's tingling fresh. It's fresh as ice. It's Gibbs SR toothpaste."
The commercial owed its prime placing to chance. The Gibbs advertisement had come first in a lottery drawn with 23 other advertisements, including those for Guinness, Surf, National Benzole, Brown & Polson Custard and Summer County Margarine..
Buku Warisan Matawang Johor/Johor Currency Heritage, 1994
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